-->MORE INFO about Shadowfight...
SHADOW FIGHT - ARE U Ready " Be Played?
Welcome to Shadow Fight. Shadow Fight will be an awesome game. A new generation game in the ARPG genre... action adventure role playing game. WHAT, you might ask, will be so "new" about Shadow Fight? Well... we cannot divulge TOO MUCH - that would be a big big spoiler - but there will be a number of features and functions no current or earlier game has successfully implemented so far. SHADOW FIGHT will be a special game, it will immerse you totally, it won't let you go... it will contact you in THE REALWORLD, when you least expect it. Check out the pages of this web site to find out more...
We - the Cobra Systems game production team - have almost completed the pre-production phase. NOW WE START HIRING CREATIVE TALENT! Cobra Systems LLC is an equal opportunity employer.
We are about to enter the final phase of the preparations before the actual production of the game elements will start. We are now looking for the following kind of talent to join our team
HOW CAN YOU APPLY for any of these positions)?? IT'S SIMPLE:
- Follow us on Facebook, just please follow the page and explore this web site, get the basic info before you contact us, please
- Send us a message, simply TELL US that you'd like to become part of our team, explain which position you're interested in, do NOT yet send a CV, just contact us first
AND THAT'S ALREADY IT! We will contact you shortly once we have received your request. Please understand that we will check if you follow the Facebook page, though. We'd like to see that you are really interested and ready to fully invest yourself. WE'D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU ALL, so get in touch and show us the love... :-)