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March 2017 - Preparation for the production of the new Shadow Fight well underway...

We are really happy about the way things are coming along... check out the new trailers which will give you a more detailed idea... the game story for Shadow Fight is almost finished, the design ideas for the 3D worlds and the scripts for the video and audio scenes are almost completed. The next phase will be to plan for more staff we want to hire - see this page for more, if you are looking for demanding and rewarding JOBS on Shadow Fight. yea, well and the big hurdle of FINANCING the complete production is one last step to be taken in order to start production - the Kickstarter project is not far away now... just a bit more patience... . Stay tuned and also follow us on FACBEOOK

ALMOST READY TO KICK OFF... look out for the ShadowFight KICKSTARTER project! It won't be long now and we will ring the bell for our own Kickstarter. WHAT IS KICKSTARTER, check this out...

Kickstarter is the modern way to finance creative projects. Countless products, music, games have been funded this way with success. The buzz word is "crowfunding". Crowdfunding is more and more replacing the oftentimes IMPOSSIBLE search for a bank or studio to finance a game. We creative folks are not the kind of clients banks are looking for... But through CROWDFUNDING, literally millions of people have the option to SUPPORT a project with money. Yes, there it is, the evil word: money. Helas, there's no way to realize a big game without funds.

Supporters on Kickstarter can actually buy the game before it is on the market, with the money paid in advance - so to speak - the game will be funded; many people support with more than just the price of the game. Supporters usually not only receive the game first, they also receive exclusive and exciting gifts. This goes also for OUR Kickstarter... if you are interested in possibly supporting the production of ShadowFight this way, please JOIN OUR COMMUNITY in order to be informed about each and any development

The bigger our success with Kicktstarter, the bigger, better and AWESOMER the game will be. In fact, we need YOU all to realize ShadowFight. Like I said... and as sad as it may be... money is the key to get the best designers onbaod, the most skilled programmers, actors, camera people and so forth. JOIN US TODAY and get all the info on our Kickstarter and be among the firstest... THANKS in advance for your support!

Our team of writers and designer are working full steam... after many weeks of research of the backstory of ShadowFight, the Mike Malak and the other writers have come up with a pretty amazing game story... check out what's cooking



Cobra Systems LLC is taking over... well at least as regards SHADOWFIGHT...

Our team was able to acquire the full rights on the game which was originnaly produced by Next World Productions Inc. in 2000, at the time it has been a promotional tool for consumer electronic retail chain MEDIA MARKT. But as of now, WE are in charge and we'll give it our all in order to produce a truly AWESOME new game. Stay tuned and also follow us on FACBEOOK


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