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There are a number of remarkable, uncommon features to ShadowFight, and since this game is still in production, we can't divulge too much about them in order not to spoil the gaming surprises. But the most striking and awesome feature is that ShadowFight is NOT A PASSIVE GAME, it is a PRO-ACTIVE GAME.

Now what does THAT mean? ShadowFight will play YOU - hence our motto: Are You Ready To Be Played?

Game Reality and your day-to-day reality will begin to mix... you can't escape the CONSPIRACY... you will be contacted by a number of protagonists. Text messages will arrive on your cell phone, you will receive calls and video messages and more. When you're least expecting it, people will contact you. You will be forced to make decisions. But at no time will you be sure just WHOM you can trust...

ShadowFight is primarily a PC game at this point, you will need to downlaod the game to a computer. But there will also be an ONLINE part of ShadowFight; certain elements will constantly be changed by reality, that is OUR daily reality, daily news, things that happen in real life. You will find that ShadowFight is truly a remarkable, awesome game with lots of excitement, adventure and fun!


JOIN the Shadowfight Community today! There will be great incentives and gifts for all of you who support our efforts! Downloads, free test and beta versions of ShadowFight for you to testplay, special video trailers only for the subscribers of our Facebook page, and much more. Join the ShadowFight community now!


See also -->game story -->game design

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